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DIY Survival Projects
Welcome back to another Post of the Week Wednesday! We didn’t mean to do it but all of our posts this week are DIY projects that you can do on your own at home. Or do them on the street, it’s your party.
DIY Solar Generator
Our first post is from the guys at Solar Burrito detailing how to build your own solar generator for about $150, depending on what parts you already have available. Solar chargers like this one are great for charging your phone or Survival Kindle (that’s what we’re calling it now) but for bigger tasks, you’re going to need something a little more substantial. What we love about this project, other than getting to build stuff, is how portable the whole thing is. No, it’s not going to fit in your bug out bag but it’s pretty easy to carry and fairly durable.

DIY Bicycle Generator
In keeping with the generator theme, next up is a great video on building a bicycle generator from 101 Ways To Survive. If you’re planning on bugging in with kids, you had better be prepared to do something with all of that energy that they normally spend tearing apart your house (what, that’s just my kids?). A bicycle generator is a great way to turn that energy into… different energy. That you can actually use. To power their iPads for when they get bored cycling.
DIY Survival Food
The Survivalist Blog published a guest post from Bam Bam a couple of years ago that we recently ran across on making your own MREs. For those of you on a budget, or anyone who has actually eaten an MRE and knows how bad they can be, this is a great alternative to the pricey store bought MREs which can set you back around $5-10 each if you don’t buy in bulk. It is still a good idea to rotate these often but you could easily repurpose them for your children’s lunches. Don’t look at me like that. They’re still better than cafeteria food.
DIY Solar Water Distiller
And finally, another blast from the past (2013), Thomas Kim shows us how to make a solar water distiller. The best part about this project is that it only needs 2 items (plus water, of course) and they can both easily be found in trash cans, along highways, or, for some reason, in the middle of forests. Having a reliable source of clean, drinkable water is essential for survival and if you aren’t able to grab your bug out bag or something happens to your primary water filter, this is a simple method to make your own, infinitely. As long as it’s sunny.
What was the best survival or prepper article you read this week? Let us know in the comments!